Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Affinity CoLab is seeking literary & visual art submissions: The Power of Three — Deadline: Monday, February 15, 2021.

Affinity Colab:
Call for Submissions

Submissions Deadline Period
Issue #6: The Power of Three: Friday, January 15, 2021 to Monday, February 15, 2021

Your submission could be anything, as long as the theme of the work has an element of three: a story written from three perspectives, a memoir piece about three objects, a conversation among three people, an image or piece of art that celebrates the number three in any way, etc. Have fun! Happy creating!

Submissions of original work may be submitted to

All genres accepted in the following formats:

Poems, short stories, flash fiction, memoir, essays, etc. should be sent in as a Word doc/docx or Google doc. You may send up to five pieces per submission. Multiple submissions may be on one document; please title each piece on separate pages.

Poem line guidelines: 3-40 lines

Word count for flash fiction: 50-500 words

Max. word count for short fiction or creative nonfiction: 3,000 words

Visual Artists: please tell us about your work and send us up to five images of your pieces

Include a short bio: writers and artists are encouraged to promote their books, creative projects, links to website, blog, and social media, if applicable

All artists retain full rights to their work.

See submissions information to share online.

See Issue #5, Ode to the Odd, here

Affinity CoLab Presents
20 East Bridge Street, Suite 103
Spring City, PA 19475

Monday, December 14, 2020

Join Anthony Orozco on Zoom—Thursday, January 7th, 2021, at 6 pm EST.


Join Anthony Orozco on Zoom!

When: Thursday, January 7th, 2021, at 6 pm EST

Where: to reach us on Zoom

If required, please enter the Meeting ID 759 062 6042

And below is a sample poem from our featured poet:



some call them/
Prince Rupert’s drops/
others say/ Batavian tears/
molten glass/ severed and drowned/
in frigid waters/ cut me while I’m hot/
 steal all of my warmth/ and I take new
shape/ a teardrop/ one end smooth/
and nearly indestructible/ and
the other end/ a fragile wisp/
like a trip wire/ hidden
in the tall grass/
it can trigger
me to burst/
into sharp
/ so be


And here is a video of Anthony Orozco offering a poem to the world.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Giving Tuesday 2020 — Donate to Berks Bards!

Berks Bards is a poetry-promoting nonprofit is a 501(c)(3) organization. With no state arts grant funding likely available in 2021 due to the pandemic's impacts, Giving Tuesday as December 1, 2020, is a great opportunity to support Berks Bards with a tax-deductible donation.

Donations later into December, until the end of the tax-year of 2020, are also welcome. Every and any amount is appreciated and will make a huge difference in our community work with our poetry reach.

Here are the ways you can make a donation:

  • Make an online PayPal donation at (this can be via a PayPal account or just with a credit card but using PayPal as a payment processor)
  • Send a check made out to Berks Bards > email us at berksbards at gmail dot com for our mailing address
  • If it's more practical to wait until later in 2021, keep us in mind for the future

Thank you for you to those who have supported us in the past, to those who are able to afford to support us now, and to everyone who shares word of our community-geared work through the lens of poems. Our gratitude is more immense than we can fit into beloved language.

And remember to keep connected well one conversation at a time, in these tumultuous moments we are all surviving through nowadays. It's important for every heart. [] I felt it shelter to speak to you. — Emily Dickinson

Your friends at Berks Bards